For your questions concerning business transactions, see the explanations below. If you have further concerns or questions, please contact us via email or telephone. Need more information? Request a Sales Packet to be mailed to your medical cannabis business, today!

How do I order an advertising package?
What methods of payment do you accept?
How do I renew my advertising package?
Where can I find the Advertiser Terms of Service?
May I cancel my advertising package?
What is your Refund Policy?

How do I order an advertising package?

You can choose one of three ways to order your advertising package: order online, over the phone, or through postal mail.

Order Online
Presently, we have a special price for internet orders, so take advantage of that opportunity and use our secure online advertising order form.

If you are ready to order your advertising package or have questions, feel free to give us a call, (877) 585-3158.

Office Hours:   Monday thru Friday
11:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Postal Mail
Download our advertising order form and mail it back to our office:

The Cannabis Club Network
350 Townsend Street, Suite #404
San Francisco, California 94107

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What methods of payment do you accept?

Credit Card
The Cannabis Club Network accepts Visa, Master Card, Discover, and American Express.

Personal or Business Check
If you are ordering via postal mail or telephone, you have the option of mailing a check to us in payment. Please know that your advertising solution will not be published until payment has been received and cleared by your bank.

Please make all checks payable to Cannabis Clubs.

If you prefer to pay cash for our services, please contact the Cannabis Club Network at (877) 585-3158 during our normal business hours, which are Monday through Friday from 11 AM to 5 PM. Please do not send cash in the mail.

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How do I renew my advertising package?

Your advertising package will renew automatically on the 1st of every month, unless we are notified of your cancellation in advance of the renewal date.

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Where can I find the Advertiser Terms of Service?

Please visit our Terms of Service, which explains the conditions applicable to the Cannabis Club Network's services.

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May I cancel my advertising package?

If you should find our services unsatisfactory, or if you should reconsider your methods of advertising, you may cancel your package. Please contact our office by phone at (877) 585 3158 during our normal business hours.

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What is your Refund Policy?

Advertising that is already published is non-refundable. However, unused portions of your advertising contract is fully refundable. Should you cancel your advertising package with us, your ads will run until the end of the month. Your credit card will not be billed after you cancel, and at the end of the month your ads will be taken offline.

Processing Fee
There is a processing fee of $100.00 that covers the costs associated with issuing you a refund.

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